Monday, July 19, 2010

What a Whiner

Today Barry took to what looks like the Rose Garden and feigned indignation at the Republicans in the Senate for not rubber stamping extended unemployment benefits. As it stands, unemployment benefits last for 99 weeks. That's almost two years. Ok, 1 year 10 months and 3 weeks, that's just under two years. The GOP wants to make this extension deficit neutral and force Barry to cut back on something else first. It doesn't seem that he's willing to do that.

If I remember correctly, and I know I do, Barry wanted Congress to "pay as you go" so as not to add to the federal deficit. I guess that was open to interpretation too. Maybe he meant that would only be the case for things that he wasn't that keen on. And that would be anything that wasn't all about the Nanny State.

Pay as you go is a good idea when  for the second year in a row we will have a deficit that tops more than a Trillion dollars (1,000,000,000,000). It looks pretty scary when all the zeros are laid out, doesn't it? Barry promised that he would cut the deficit in half by the end of his, what he describes as his first term and I know will be his only term, and he continues to spend us into oblivion.

Of course Barry took a cheap shot at GWB by saying that the former administration extended benefits and spent more money than they brought in and now the GOP wants to cut people off. That is complete BS and Barry knows it. He is politicizing this issue instead of looking for a responsible way to deal with it.

I feel for the folks that really need this benefit. I'm sure that most of these want to work, but are finding it difficult to find a job. I want to make sure that they get something to help them get by. But I'm sure that there are those that are taking advantage of this situation and just taking our money and siting on the behinds. I'm sure that they are the minority, but they are still there. For the One to say that those that think that never ending benefits will destroy worker incentive are not having enough faith in the American people is reprehensible. Barry is completely out of touch. Come ride a shift with me Mr. President, you might change your mind.

Barry says that it's time to do what's right, not for the next election, but for the middle class. He's absolutely correct. First, stop spending money that we don't have and come up with a deficit neutral; plan for extending the benefits.

Then fire Biden and announce that you're not seeking another term.